20 July 2010

To begin the insanity...

People told me to make a blog, so, being a follower, I have done what I was told.

First just moving some things from my facebook account over here:

I recently went on a business trip to Seattle, Washington (which is a fantastic place, if you are ever heading in that direction).

I took over 400 pics while I was there (remember when pics were photos?), but forgot the cord to my camera. So, to mollify those who were trying to live through me (I love you all), in a moment of idle inanity (whoa! whoa! See what I did there? Making the connections, baby), I decided to illustrate what I had done today.

And it was downhill (and uphill) from there!

To begin my journey, I flew from southeastern Virginia to Dulles Airport in DC. My flight to Dulles was uneventful, except that everyone on the plane was going to Seattle. I began to believe I was being followed (see suspicious me below).

But, that didn't last long because I had had about 3 hours of sleep the night before!!

My good luck couldn't last, though, and my five hour flight to Seattle was the worst!

First, I was in the middle seat between two large men who both decided the needed the inside armrest... I was all like "I object" and they were like "der?"

Then, a lady sat in front of me with her teeny, tiny little baby who had the lungs of a whooping crane and the bm capacity of a large elephant. Mommy thought it was okay to change the diaper right there in her seat... that was a lovely smell...

Then the stewardess came over the Big Voice and said that the in flight movie featured Miley Cyrus and her Teenage Angst in "Nobody Understands Me and Everyone Makes Me Cry." Oh, that wasn't really the name of the movie - but that was the gist of it. I was not a fan.

Then we hit turbulance. People hear turbulance and think of a little jolt every once in a while. No, this was the plane jumping about like a bean (do they still sell those) - things falling (stewardesses included [wait, what is the PC term for them now]) as the passangers sat in our seats and tried to pretend like we weren't all thinking "OH NO WE'RE GOING TO DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE"

I perhaps exagerate a little.

But here's a picture!

But things started to look up as I looked down through the airplane window and saw lots of pretty mountains! We don't have real mountains where I'm from, so I took pictures whilst leaning over the lap of the man sitting in my way.

The plane landed and I fell to my knees to kiss the ground in thankfulness that I had finally reached the safety of the earth.

Then I got into the Taxi of Death and Fear. The taxi driver inexplicably forgot the basics of physics, driving and common sense. But I lived to animate another day!

When I reached my hotel room, the time change made it so that it was actually only 1100, even though I had left at 0600 and gotten up at 0430. So, what's a girl to do?

I went to the aquarium. The animals there loved me and were my friends and I blew them kisses, took their pictures and then left!!

Then I went to the restaurant next door and ate fish.

After eating my salmon (which seemed to happen to me a lot in Seattle), I went shopping up and down the piers. I found stores with lots of Twilight and Pirate stuff in them and I spent far too much money!

It was only after I had nearly exhausted myself that I realized... holy crap... Seattle has hills. Like, serious hills. Serious hills on top of serious hills. Sort of like this:

By the second incline, I was like this and had 3 more hills to go before I got to the street with my hotel on it (5th Ave if anyone is interested):

But I finally did make it to my hotel, where I collapsed and died, only to be resurrected so that I could make this blog!

1 comment:

  1. i was in seattle over the weekend of july 9th and i totally understand what you mean about the hills...that totally caught me off guard! haha. i loved it though, there are a lot of cool things there. did you make it to the music/sci fi museum?? that was so fricken cool.

    and yeah it was 80ish and sunny when i was there too!

    -how'd you get to be happiness (via ehell :))
